Posted by: gardner310 | June 1, 2013

Mediterranean Summer 2013

As luck would have it we are back in the Mediterranean for the entire summer on the ms Noordam.  Sales are tough but the ports are as welcoming as ever.  Each one is unique in its own right and if I can’t a tour, I grab my walking shoes and camera, happy to spend hours wandering the streets.  Last year my focus seemed to be windows, doors and laundry.  This year I seem to be drawn more to street scenes and faces, if I can get that close with a few windows and doors still thrown in.  Be prepared.


Waiting in Alexandria, Egypt

We reached Istanbul after seeing the world it seemed with 3 flights.  Our hotel for the night was out by the airport thus my plans to meet a friend in the city were thwarted this time.  Michael and I wandered down the street to the mall for a bite to eat and found a nice open air cafe on the 4th floor of the mall.  On the way home we passed a number of trucks with their drivers sitting on stools, cooking  in their little kitchens in the bottom of the trucks.  We were invited to dinner and/ or tea by three of them.  Despite their non-existent English and our Turkish being on the same level, the hospitality spoke loud and clear.

Dinner Invitation in Istanbul

Dinner Invitation in Istanbul

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